IS_MIRRI21 virtual events

Matchmaking for Horizon Europe opportunities and MIRRI membership
15 and 17 June 2021, 14:00 CEST
Held on the ZOOM platform
Register HERE for both events.
Organised by the University of Minho (UMinho) and Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação (SPI) in collaboration with the RI-VIS H2020 project
Key presenters
Nelson Lima (University of Minho, UMinho); Joanna Bucka-Kolendo (Institute of Agricultural and Food Biotechnology, IAFB), Rosa Aznar (University of Valencia, UVEG-CECT), Gerard Verkleij (Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie Van Wetenschappen, KNAW), Isabel Carvalho Oliveira, Maria João Fernandes, Cristiana Leandro and Daniel Carapau (Portugal-Europe R&I Network, PERIN)
Implementation and Sustainability of Microbial Resource Research Infrastructure for the 21st Century (IS_MIRRI21) is a three-year project funded under the Horizon 2020 programme of the European Commission. IS_MIRRI21 is a scientific project that aims to establish a pan-European research infrastructure called Microbial Resource Research Infrastructure (MIRRI) as a sustainable entity with a set of its own diverse services and offers. IS_MIRRI21 took-off in February 2020 with 14 European partners and eight third parties, 20 of which are academic institutions and research infrastructures. The consortium members of IS_MIRRI21 are jointly working with the objective of alleviating the current fragmentation of bio-resource holdings and information, eliminating duplication and redundancy at the national and pan-European level.
MIRRI, as a sustainable end-product, intends to connect biological resource holders and researchers in order to facilitate the efficient delivery of resources and services and meet the needs of innovation in Life Sciences and biotechnology by driving collaboration across borders and disciplines. MIRRI is made up of more than 50 member organisations including academic institutions, microbial Biological Resource Centres (mBRCs), Culture Collections (CCs) and experts from 11 European countries (Belgium, France, Greece, Italy, Latvia, The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation and Spain). MIRRI is a non-profit RI designed through the collaboration of European research institutes, universities, culture collections and consultancy organisations with a special focus on the domains of Health & Food, Agro-Food, and Environment & Energy. MIRRI’s services and offers are supplied through the resources and expertise of its members to induce and sustain transnational cooperation and coordination in research and innovation within the sectors of Life Sciences and Biotechnology. In its present capacity, MIRRI holds over 600,000 strains of microorganisms and microbiological resources, over 70 different types of services (including training, education and consultancy offers) with more than 30 workflows and has more than 300 direct participants and beneficiaries in the organisation.
MIRRI will soon be recognised as an ERIC (European Research Infrastructure Consortium) to serve users from biosciences and bioindustry by facilitating access to a broad range of high quality bioresources and data in a legally compliant way. Through collaboration with other research infrastructures and by working with public authorities and policy makers, MIRRI contributes to the advancement of research and innovation in Europe to create a sustainable, competitive and resilient bioeconomy.
Whether as an expert, a Member State, an academic institution or a culture collection, MIRRI offers its members the opportunity to be part of a large and dynamic laboratory as a whole, sharing and exchanging knowledge, providing services, gaining visibility and playing a unique role in the European scientific research and innovation landscape of Food, Health, Agriculture, Energy, Environmental Sciences and more. MIRRI’s membership is open to a range of stakeholders in the global innovation community. With the objective of exploiting MIRRI’s resources through collaboration with other RIs in Europe and Latin America thereby advancing bioscience innovation and research, these two events have been set up with the aim of presenting opportunities to bring innovation actors in Life Sciences and biotechnology to the same table. In synergy with RI-VIS, a Horizon 2020 funded project designed to increase the visibility of European research infrastructures (RIs) to new communities in Europe and beyond, IS_MIRRI21 partners and innovation actors from Research and Development (R&D) frameworks in Europe will present funding opportunities for joint collaboration in the above-mentioned domains and how to become a member of MIRRI’s network.
Both agendas for the webinar on 15 June and workshop on 17 June can be found here as well as in the web site of MIRRI-IT at Agenda of IS_MIRRI21 virtual events: Matchmaking for Horizon Europe opportunities and MIRRI membership.
Where to register?
Registration for both events is free but compulsory in order to receive the links and updates prior to the event. Registration is open until the launch of the events.
Registration link:
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