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XIV National Conference on Biodiversity
The 14th National Conference on Biodiversity will be organized by the Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences and Technologies of the University of Salento.
The scientific event is organized in collaboration with the Academy of Mediterranean Biodiversity Sciences (ASBM – https://accademiabiodiversita.it/) and also represents the 1st International Conference on Mediterranean Biodiversity.
The conference, centred on the theme “Biodiversity, resilience and climate change” intends to promote the advancement of knowledge on biodiversity, and evaluate the impact of climate change on biological diversity by outlining intervention models and possible solutions aimed at protecting and enhancing biodiversity.
WHEN: 13th – 15th September 2023
For more info: Click here
XIX Congress of European Mycologists
The European Mycological Association, The Italian Botanical Society and the University of Perugia are very pleased to invite you to the XIX Congress of European Mycologists, Perugia – Italy September 4th-8th 2023.
The Congress will take place in the historical old part of fascinating Perugia city localized in central Italy and will host international speakers and experts in various fields of Mycology.
The Congress keynote lectures, session talks and poster presentations will focus on fungi in changing ecosystems, fungal diversity and conservation, fungal omics, medicinal mushrooms, mycomaterials, data management of fungi, fungi in the bioeconomy and the circular economy, emerging pathogenic fungi.
Specific symposia will be on Open Science and Mycology by young scientists.
The Organizing Committee
- Izabela Kałucka (EMA),
- Solveig Tosi (IBS working group for mycology),
- Paola Angelini (University of Perugia).

Web seminar on “Colture starter artigianali”
“Strengthening the MIRRI Italian Research Infrastructure
for Sustainable Bioscience and Bioeconomy”
Granted by the European Commission – NextGenerationEU
Web seminar on
Le colture starter artigianali: un patrimonio da difendere
per la tutela della biodiversità e della sovranità alimentare
(in Italian)
Giovedì 27 Aprile 2023 – ore 16:30 – 18:30
Thursday April 27, 2023 – 16:30 – 18:30 CEST
Web: https://meet.google.com/poi-hhkg-vcv
Under the Patronage of
“SIMTREA – Società Italiana di Microbiologia Agro-Alimentare e Ambientale”
MiCroResi & MIRRI-IT

Deciphering microbiomes from extreme environments
for the improvement of crop resilience
to climate change, food security and safety
Kick-off Meeting
19 April 2023
The meeting aimed at showing the general program of partners participation to complete the main goals of the project. The parties were:
- Universidad Nacional Toribio Rodriguez de Mendoza, UNTRM, Amazonas. Party leader: Dr. Danilo E. Bustamante Mostajo
- Universidad Mayor de San Andres (UMSA), Bolivia. Party leader: Dr. Carla Fabiana Crespo Melgar
- Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Istituto per la Protezione Sostenibile delle Piante (CNR-IPSP), Italy. Party leader: Dr. Giovanni Nicola Bubici
- Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, M.P. (CSIC), Spain. Party leader: Dr. Maria Luz Cayuela
- Sakarya University (SAU), Turkey. Party leader: Dr. Semanur Yıldız
Prof. Cristina Varese, Coordinator of MIRRI-IT, attended the meeting and presented the JRU, its collaboration with the MIRRI Research Infrastructure and the aims of the newly funded project SUS-MIRRI.IT.
During its presentation, prof. Varese also expressed its support to the new project and a tight collaboration between MiCroresi and MIRRI-IT.
ISIDORe First Aniversary Meeting
ISIDORe Annual Meeting
Wednesday March 29, 2023
One year ago, “Integrated Services for Infectious Disease Outbreak Research” (ISIDORe) was launched with an ambition to propose a new approach to epidemic preparedness and response research in Europe. Coordinated by ERINHA and involving all major European Research Infrastructures and infectious disease networks, ISIDORe assembles and provides free access to an unprecedented One Health-driven integrated portfolio of cutting-edge research resources, dedicated to the study of epidemic-prone diseases.
During its first year, the ISIDORe programme supported rapid research response and epidemic preparedness research by launching calls for proposals targeting SARS-CoV-2 variants, Monkeypox virus and a large variety of pathogens included in the priory list of pathogens for epidemic preparedness.
As part of its first annual meeting, the ISIDORe first anniversary half-day event is open to external audiences and will gather speakers from the key European infectious disease funding and policy-making bodies, relevant initiatives, as well as the ISIDORe project. The event will provide an insight to the ongoing European efforts in the field of pandemic preparedness and response, and will showcase the outcomes of the ISIDORe supported research projects.
The participation is free but the registration is mandatory.<(b>
Register at https://forms.gle/aCPfVPQgboQBXZ5Y9

MD23 First Announcement
7th International Conference on Microbial Diversity (MD23)
“Agrifood microbiota as a tool for a sustainable future”
September 26-29, 2023, Parma, Italy

- FOOD microbiota as a tool for a sustainable future
- HUMAN microbiota as a tool for a sustainable future
- ENVIROMENT microbiota as a tool for a sustainable future
- Sustainable future has come
The Conference will be opened in the afternoon of Tuesday 26 September 2023 and closed at noon of Friday 29 September 2023. In the afternnon of the last day, the SIMTREA meeting will be held.
Invited speakers (confirmed)
- PAUL COTTER (Teagasc Food Research Centre, University of Cork, Ireland)
- DANIELE DAFFONCHIO (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia)
- DANIELE DEL RIO (University of Parma, Italy)
- DANILO ERCOLINI (University of Naples Federico II, Italy)
- MARCO GOBBETTI (Libera Università di Bolzano, Italy)
- PEIYING HONG (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia)
- SARAH LEBEER (University of Antwerp, Belgium)
PYFF8, June 5-8, 2023, Cork, IE
The Microbial Biotechnology Division of the EFB is delighted to invite scientists from industry and academia to Ireland for the 8th Conference on Physiology of Yeasts and Filamentous Fungi (PYFF8). Since the first meeting in Denmark in 2001, every three years, scientists interested in the fundamental physiology and biotechnological applications of yeast and filamentous fungi have gathered to share latest results, develop new collaborations and reinvigorate networks. The combination of diverse yeasts and fungi facilitates cross-disciplinary exchange as researchers study shared themes using similar technologies. Themes include evolution and adaptation, stress response and resilience, metabolism and systems biology, while technologies such as functional genomics, metabolic engineering, genome editing, and synthetic biology are commonly applied to both yeast and filamentous fungi.
The organisers are especially keen to support the attendance of early career researchers and there are good opportunities to speak and present posters. In addition, the conference offers a low registration rate (€400/€500) (see Registration) as well as affordable on-campus accommodation (see General Information). There is also the opportunity to apply for a bursary to support costs as well as a discount for groups sending multiple attendees (see Registration).
PFYY8 will be hosted by University College Cork (UCC) in Cork, Ireland. Cork is a port city and a destination in its own right, as well as the gateway to the Southwest and the starting point for the world-famous Wild Atlantic Way. It is readily accessed by Cork international airport, with daily flights to many European destinations and hubs. Cork city (pop. ~ 200,000) has a vibrant student-centred nightlife with diverse bars and restaurants as well as many day-time attractions including harbour tours, food markets, churches, museums and a historic city centre. UCC is located on the banks of the river Lee only 1km from the city centre and is a modern University of 22,000 students with a proud heritage dating back to 1849. The University has a strong scientific pedigree and is especially active in research related to biotechnology, sustainability, food and the bioeconomy. The conference will be hosted on the historic main campus and in modern University buildings. The location of the university and the availability of student accommodation means that a wide range of budget accommodation and hotels are available for delegates. UCC and Cork welcome you!
DBVPG new website
The new website of the Industrial Yeasts Collection DBVPG is online!
Completely renewed in its graphic aspect, it incorporates the colours of the Collection logo and enhances the Department of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences of the University of Perugia that hosts it.
The graphic and structural restyling was designed to make more effective navigation among the offered services, and easier and more immediate communication with the user, with forms that can be filled in online.
Particularly important is the section of the catalogue, constantly updated and with an intuitive search system.
Happy web surfing!
New HE projects canServ and AgroServ
MIRRI participation in two new Horizon Europe projects
canServ and AgroServ projects have been funded by the European Union
MIRRI will take part in two more European projects to provide cutting-edge services for cancer research and for a sustainable agroecological transition.
The project canSERV aims at making cutting-edge and customised research services available to the cancer research community EU-wide, enabling innovative R&D projects and fostering precision medicine for patients’ benefit across Europe. By connecting, coordinating, and aligning existing oncology and complimentary research infrastructures (RIs) and providing services in a synergistic way transnationally, canSERV will capitalise on the critical mass of experts and cutting-edge services offered by canSERV RIs and their extended network. The project is coordinated by BBMRI-ERIC, and MIRRI is represented in the consortium by its partner organisation MUM/UMinho (Portugal).
The project AgroServ, in turn, aims at providing access to innovative, customized and integrated research services to the European research communities to advance knowledge on agroecosystems, increasing our understanding on the risks and threats due to global changes and fostering the development of new agroecological practices, taking into account the socio-economic benefits for society, and the sustainability of rural communities. The project is led by AnaEE and CNRS, and MIRRI is represented in the consortium by its partner organisations BCCM-MUCL (Belgium) and CIRM-INRAE (France).
See the full Press release.
MIRRI TNA Call opening soon
Under the IS_MIRRI21 project, the MIRRI Research Infrastructure will be opening its 2nd TransNational Access (TNA) Call in two weeks’ time. Take profit from this chance for free-of-charge access to high-quality microbial resources and services, or to state-of-the-art facilities and technological platforms.
The call’s catalogue, as well as all the information on how to apply, have already been published.
For further information, do not hesitate in contacting MIRRI Access Officer, Adriana Chiarelli.